beaver note1)
Official Wikis
International Links - About universities and places aorund the globe where Linkmeeters are.
The Council - The LM Council
The Guards - The LM Guards
Uploading Art Rules - Uploading Art Rules.
Help - Help on how to use LM
LinkMeet Badges - Needing badges but not a top Priority.
competitions - If you want to compete or create a competition.
Other wikis
Add links to your wiki-pages here. This is just a big unsorted list. Things that aren't active might be removed,
exspecially if it's crappy and boring.
LinkMeet Graphics - For the LM members who would like to donate some art for the greater good of LM
Linköping Links
Languages - Help building language-pages for a lanugage!
diagonally parked by [
TomWolf] and [
Write...well just write =)
poker by [
Wiki about...poker. Feel free to post there.
saga by [
Kind of weird story in Swedish. If you feel like adding, please do.
Little Britain by: [
For all the Little Britain Fans of the world.
Revision Tips! [
Need some ideas on how to revise or what to do before an exam, then check out this wiki.
Visual Perspective [
A place to display photographic art. Since we are all from different parts of the world, let's our different perspectives!
Linkmeet Academia
Teach or learn subjects. Special wiki for curious people.
Go here to see what you can do:
playground [edit] 2
You can find other links to wiki-page in the news, in member's parenteses and so on. You also can add the wikis you create.