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Titles on images

You can now write titles on images. This is mostly useful if you are having images on exported wiki-pages and want them to be found in Google's image-search. Write the title you want by writing it inside parenthesis immediately after the image-tag. Like this:

<img:LM2.gif>(Linkmeet logo)
<img:LM2.gif> (Hover the pointer over the image and you'll see)

Date: 2006-12-31 13:38:43
News #: 28
Reporter: hedda


No you can easily inline the emotions on Public emotions when writing messages, postings or wiki-comments.

You also got an image upload form on the bottom of all wiki-pages where you can upload images without getting them resized or otherwise destroyed. And when you have done so, you get the code to include them in the wiki-page in the edit-form and just have to submit that.

It will make it easier for you to compete in image-competitions or add to your photoalbum for example.

Date: 2006-11-21 18:23:21
News #: 27
Reporter: hedda

Much better photo-uploads!

If you go to your house and press "Upload a folder of images" (Or here: <URI:upload_zip.html>), you will notice that it's greatly improved.

Firstly the images are put in "boxes" so that images and their texts are kept together.

Secondly you can now edit the image-texts much more easily because there is an editbox below each image.

If that is too easy for you, you can now also select to put the images on separate wiki-pages...

Tip: If you want your old pages to get the new boxed touch, just put <box></box> around every image and its text. Like this
It's my image!</box>

Another improvement: When you edit your presentation or try to register and get it wrong, Linkmeet will now remember your values instead of letting your crappy browsers handle that (As many of them mess it up. I think only Opera handled it well.).

Update 2006-10-24: The "Upload a folder of images"-feature is now even better and you can decide how big you want the thumbnails and if the boxes should be arranged with the same height or the same width (or force a reshape of the images).

Date: 2006-10-02 00:47:32
News #: 26
Reporter: hedda

Brilliant new feature!

It's now possible to actually register on Linkmeet by following a link from the frontpage!

I don't know for how long, but the link from <URI:/> just hasn't been working. Horrible!

Date: 2006-09-12 13:05:11
News #: 25
Reporter: hedda
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