2006-11-19 05:03:37
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Linköping in May
Photos taken in Linköping Monday 2006-05-08.
See also ryd_universitetet_hg_bastuviken, valborg2006 karna and linkoping_rydsskogen for related photos (Or [hedda]'s presentation).
The images are free to use for any kind of purpose and made with the camera of [EvilEpsilon]

Around Rydsvägen 268

Towards Rydsskogen (The Ryd forest)

Mikael's Church in Ryd. (The red thing in the middle behind the goal)

Closer to Rydsskogen.

Rydsskogen towards the university


Ryd seen from Rydsskogen.

The bench that exhausted joggers use.

The field and training facilities in Rydsskogen.

Rydsskogen at the border to Gottfridsberg.

The houses in

Towards the Flamman miniforest

Vinland (A shop where you can buy stuff for wine-making) in the middle.
Linköping centre

The old small houses close to the cathedral.

The administrative center of the Swedish Church in Linköping Stift.

As written on this sign.

The cathedral. "Linköpings domkyrka". It started to be build 1230, but the tower is only from about 1870.

Inside it

Behind the car in the middle, is Bosse's Glassbar (Bosse's Icecream bar). A famous place.

Towards Stora Torget (The Big Square)

Eating ice cream from Bosse's in the cathedral park.

Saint Lars Church in Linköping. "The other church" or the white church.

It's not that big.




Trädgårdstorget again.
Wille's. That where [hedda] bought his student overall.
Hospitalstorget (The Hospital Square)
Teboden on Nygatan 37a, the most famous tea-shop in Sweden ( http://www.teboden.com/ of course)
Drottninggatan to the west
Drottninggatan to the east.
Trädgårdsförreningen, the big park in Linköping.

Compare the trees with the ones on valborg2006 just a week earlier!

Drottninggatan, Storgatan and Malmslättsvägen
Drottninggatan and Storgatan is behind the bushes and to the left.
Storgatan where it splits into Storgatan to the left and Drottninggatan to the right.
On Storgatan. Malmslättsvägen straight ahead.

The Graves at Malmslättsvägen

Old Linköping
Linköping wanted to rebuild the centre in the middle of the 20th centry, but as they also wanted to keep the old building, they decided to move all the old and nice buildings to a place outside of Linköping and there they created a fake centre of various old buildings from around Linköping that they wanted to get rid of, but still save. This fake oldish centre is called Gamla Linköping (Old Linköping). Otherwise it's just like and old town in any European town, but small.

I hurt my head on that doorcase! It's cool with sunglasses because you bump into things... But it hurts! Anyhow: I bought some nice stuff there.

Outside the chocolate museum and shop.

The Valla forest between Old Linköping and the university

The valla field
Outside the Railroad museum. The slop is the infamous Vallamassivet where VSR (Try http://www.cyd.liu.se/~y6/ and read about the VSR... http://my.opera.com/barsk/blog/show.dml/141554 has some good images)

Towards Ryd. The crane is building new student houses close to the university.

Kårallen - the Student union's house.
Inside Kårallen.

In front of Kårallen towards the B-house.

In front of Kårallen towards the A-house, Ryd far away and the C-houst to the right.
The lightpole outside of Kårallen is somewhat strange...

Towards Ryd again
The golf court between the university, Mjärdevi (To the south/left of this photo) and Ryd (to the north/right)
A driving range
Ryds Allé. The Ryds Allé car-road is the left, the bike-road straight ahead. To the right is the non-student Ryds Allé houses and the the left is the student houses.

The bike-road allé
Ryds Allé 7 (Student house)
Ryd Centre (Ryds Centrum) behing the trees in the middle left.
Ryd C again

Ryd C again

Gläntan behind herrgårn and the vollyball court.
At home
Lilo at home.

/ [hedda]
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