2007-04-28 14:55:36
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Ryd, Universitetet, HG and Bastuviken
Pictures of Ryd (
Ryd,Linköping), Linköping's University, Ryd's Centrum and the Sauna in Bastuviken (Rydsvägen 260)
The photos were taken by [
hedda] on 2006-03-09. The images are free to use in any way you like.
If you want a summer version, look at
Ryd from Rydsvägen 268 (Map: http://karta.frryd.se/RV268) to the university.

Rydsvägen 264 and 268.

Rydsvägen 270++ to the left. The Ryd field to the right.

The "round" red building behind the trees that look like a 2 stories barn or something, is the Ryd Church.

Rydsskogen (Ryd's Forest) to the left. The university straight ahead.

THe Ryd field.

Closer to the university. The crane stands just next to the univesity. To the right is Rydsvägen 2-20.

Just below the university.

The tunnel before the university. The building in the background is the A-house of the university.

The crane that is building new student accommodations

Badges are painted on the asfalt.

The C-building. The "tower" is some sort of art with ugly Machine Student Section things on it.
C and A building.
They release the tickets for the tenta kravall on the 21st of Marsh
The C-building and Kårallen (The student union's house)

The C building.

Not many 90 degree edges on Kårallen...

Kårallen has a drawbridge!
Inside of Kårallen.
Inside of Kårallen. The drawbridge is behind that gate.

On the drawbridge.
From the drawbrigde.
To the left of the previous picture. THe B-building to the right and the folk high school to the left.
The road to the people's univerity and to the Valla forest.
THe B-building and the Physics buildings to the left.
B-building to the right.
The building Origo to the left, Key-building to the middle left, D-building in the middle to the right and the B-building to the right.
Key, D, Zenit and the B building.
And the front of the woodpecker!
Zenit and B.

The Origo building. It's the administration building. They think that they are the center of the coordinate system, but we others know that it's the place where all the zeros are.
The D and Tema-building.
Zenit from the other side, taken from same place as the above picture.
The physics house (The B-building is to the right).
A neighbouring house with some science companies and authorities.
The physics house. The green pillars there are multimedia art that sounds and show patters on the wall.

Kårallen is behind the trees and the Physics house to the right.
The bus stop at the university outside the Physics house.
The left road from the university to Ryd. Straight ahead in the golf course.
Some meters further.
And another tunnel.
Some 50 meter on the other side on the tunnel. The golf course's driving range.
Same place, but facing Linköping. The university to the right on the other side of the miniture forest.
The highway tunnel and the Rydsvägen tunnel.
Ryds Allé. Ryds Allé 2-28++ to the right.
The allé that gave the street its name. But the real street is to the left outside of the allé.

Ryds Allé 1, 5 and 13 and then Ryd's Centrum behind the trees.

Ryd's Centrum (More info: Ryds centrum)

"The fortress" to the left and Ryd's Allé 28++ to the right.

There you can see Ryds Herrgård (known as Herrgårn or HG)

The red building is the Ryd Church. "the fortress" to the right.
Ryds Centrum.

The entrence to Herrgårn.

The garden and backside of Herrgårn.

Gläntan, Ryda Torget, the vollyboll field... The bike-square in the centre of student Ryd.

Ryds Centrum to the left. Alsättersgatan 42.
The Stångåstaden Ryd office.
Ryds Centrum
Inside Ryds Centrum.

The Sauna at Rydvägen 260, Bastuviken

Some more pictures of Linköping and Rydsskogen: linkoping_rydsskogen
/ [hedda]
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