Herrgårn International evening 2005-11-15
Viewable only by Hedda's photos members!
Date: 2005-11-15 to 2005-11-16
Where: Ryd, Linköping, Herrgårn, International evening
Feel free to add names and comments! Just press edit and write the comments like I've done. Swedish, German and Russian are OK, even if my comments are in English. Newlines are made with newlines and links can be created by just writing them.
Picures only taken when I was bored... Which doesn't mean that i didn't have a fun time taking them.

Elina working in the Drinkbar.

Sussi and Elina

That is called "working"

The girls that were taking pictures of me in Ölbaren

And there I actually managed to take a real photo of her.

Roman. Cool German guy. He drinks Swedish beer, but don't tell anyone because he might not be allowed back into Germany then.

The dance-floor. Sorry, no flash. Oxana and friend.

More dance and more backs.

If I were drunk, then my camera were stoned... I think it uses heavy drugs.

Why have one girl when you can have two copies of her?

Kelly and friends (Friends: Please replace this with your names which I didn't get!)

hedda] is the tall Swede there...

Elshat, Lars, Anders, guy and croupier.


People and a great looking Johanna. Don't you just love red eyes? ;-)
And Johanna, this one is for you:
(That is Anya that is trying to get married to the moron Xander in Buffy Season 6, episode 16 - Hells Bells.)
Sorry, but the non-moving images of you aren't that alike. It's just the way you talk (and being blond and beautiful, but who isn't...)

The same, but with a huge smile.
"Namaste, kya aap Hindustan se hain?" (Greetings, are you from India?)
"Nahin,main Pakistan se hoon" (No,I'm from Pakistan).

Stålis and Calle

Calle doing a very cool thing with the hand you can't see.

girl that "steals" coffee or something.
Spanish speaking people. Carola to the right.
And Kristine that crashed on her bike (which she never does, just like me, who have also done it) but just happened to forget to tell me her name...
Lookie! Smile!
And wallet! She's trying to buy herself beauty...
(Note: I said I would only put up the best images, but they are all great in their own way. Well, the last one if you like wallets and the first one if you have an interest in her great hair.)
Person, person, Jens and Jasmin.

Jasmin and [hedda]. Hey! I never saw the smile in that mega version! I guess it's a camera-only-smile.
The last thing we see of Herrgårn. The guard that kicks us out.
Outside of HG