Herrgårn 2005-11-12
Viewable only by Hedda's photos members!
Date: 2005-11-11 to 2005-11-12
Where: Ryd, Linköping, Herrgårn and Alsättersgatan 5 (husfest)
Feel free to add names and comments! Just press edit and write the comments like I've done. Swedish is OK, even if my comments are in English. Newlines are made with newlines and links can be created by just writing them.

Daniel. He had a powerfailure at home so he had a good excuse to go to Herrgårn.

Ölbaren! The bar at the bottom floor on Herrgårn.

My beer!

It's a blue Chimay

Spovin and some guards.

The dart-boards.

Kristina and Maria in the bar.


And me again!

My food. Salmon.

Kristina lightning up the room.

This is how most people see the bar later in the evening.

The staff in Bex - the bar upstairs. ? and Lars

A guard


The black jack table seen from Bex

The Drinkbar (besides Bex) with Erik and ?

The drinkbar and a camin.

Fram the same place, but towards the dance-floor.


Ida and her TBI-friends

No, she isn't puking...

A big queue as usual.

Smokers in the "cold" (It was +8 Celsius, so it wasn't that bad.)

Dart-players (downstairs).

And the pub downstairs.

Julia at the Black Jack table.

Much people at the Bex bar

Anders, Cider and Johan

The camera-guy!

Lars in Bex

The mens' room, no comment !

Gena and Elshat, smile guys you are in a focus

Alexi with his sexy hat or whatever...

Alexander, just a hot Estonian guy !

Elhan, Elshat and Anton are here... Elshat says "whats up?". Party is starting ;))

Anton in the drinkbar, hmm looks unsatisfied :(
Husfest at Alsättersgatan 5



Tomas, Happy Chinese girl and Rickard.

Lotta and Rickard


Varja and less cute boy.

An even happier Varja.

Outside the house.