2007-03-24 15:48:28
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
| D20: 15 |
Vin&Tonic caps
This was the day after
FörDömD 2007. I was like U137's third grounding.

Wine and Tonic!

Norrby... Trying a new nose on.




The kitchen.

What we in Swedish call a myssoffa!

New guest whom Norrby is trying to scare off. It didn't work.


Some people drink beer...

Måttning! (Measuring of the distance to the mugs)

A hamburger... It should have been! Some primitive people (mostly nerds) use sticks to eat with.


Look! It's a girl!!! And Mackan. And some drägg (Swedish for "gentlemen")... Micke to the right.

More drägg.

A drägg in a comfy chair!
/ [hedda]
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