I've just arrived home now. The travel was awful :-/
Instead of train to Gävle and then walk across the plattform to the train to Linköping, it became a totally different story.
In Bollnäs we (me and Lilo) had to change to bus. Lilo hates busses and I had a truckload to carry.
Then the bus is 7 minutes too late to Gävle, and that stupid train didn't want to wait for us, so I had to re-book my ticket. So a lot of walking in the Gävle trainstation and then 1 hour of waiting.
Then a fast train to Stockholm and there 50 minutes waiting and a lot of walking on that station. Of course I didn't have any coin, so I couldn't get a waggon for my bags and Lilo.
Then to Linköping and the bus.
Now I'm tired. |