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Member #548 created: 2005-12-20 20:47:21Simple URL:   

Name: Jennifer Berry


My 17th birthday party
It was soooooooooo much fun!


A picture I painted in watercolours for my mam's birthday.

Hi. I'm Jennifer, AKA nunt.
I'm 17 years ond, I live in the North of England, and I have applied to university and have an offer from Cambridge!
I want to study Physics, probably astrophysics.
I go to The Nelso Thomlinson School in Cumbria, and I am currently in my last year of seconday school (upper 6th or year 13) and am studying A level Physics, Maths, and Chemistry. I hope to get grade A's

I also love to paint and draw in my spare time, as you will see if you go to my homepage.

I like to chat, so feel free to message me. Although you might get a delayed response at the moment.

I am more active on Elftown, my username there is 'nunt' as well.

Age: 18Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 27

Gender: female

Study program: Physics/Natural Sciences

Student status: Haven't started at the university yet

Origin: United Kingdom

Origin place: Cumbria

Place of living: Cumbria

Known languages

countryfolk musicheavy metal

Other interests
role playingscifiwriting

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

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