Well, what to know about me:
** I am a 4th year biology student at Georgia State University located in Atlanta Georgia. I have approximately 1 year left after this next semester and then after that I move on to the big bad world of adults. By the way if you are an early bio student reading this, get all your chemistry done a little early, its much easier that way I promise you. Oh and never wear your good shoes to lab, theres a good chance that something will burn holes in them.
** I hope to work in the new aquarium that has opened up in Atlanta or maybe at the CDC or Center of Disease Control. Or maybe at a school teaching demon children...tho
ugh I really don't want to do that. I have recently heard that the Georgia bureau of Investigation is hiring so if I wanted to look at blood and semen all day I could work there...
** I am engaged to be married to a wonderful Englishman named Scott who is currently in school in Newcastle, England. I can't believe I am getting married! O.o
** As for the personal stuff, I love animals, reading, music and art. Most of my interests lie in the realm of fantasy and sci-fi but I also enjoy a good mystery or romantic comedy. I hope that I will be able to do some traveling after school and see such places as Italy, Greece, Spain, Costa Rica and perhaps Germany and Russia. Unfortunately I don't speak any other language than english but I am very interested in learning many others.
** I love to chat, so please feel free to send me a line. I promise I don't bite, though I may scratch and meow like a cat.
Look its a horse! ^_^
This is my lazy way of showing off my school until I get some good pictures of it.