Too tired now...
It was a lot of fun, but way too hard work. Luckily I'll not do it again.
Very calm night: esn4
Most people I know are already on photo.
Seems like I'm going to Moscow the 11th of April!
And the photos:
Remind me, and I'll put up some photos from tonight when I've taken them ;-)
I've taken some photos from my window: hwinter
And some images from my trip to [Sunrose]:
And now I'm back! I hope I have some energy left for SOF tomorrow... Or today actually.
And now SOF sucks less. I finally got a ticket. To Saturday only. I am in Netherlands until Friday.
So lets party, I guess...
Now I've installed them in their apartments. Tonight International evening at Herrgårn.
I should work this weekend, but haven't really started yet...
And on Monday I will (if nothing goes wrong) get two Latvian student here. One of them are here on Linkmeet...
Had a very nice time at the KRAVALL yesterday. Handed out some Linkmeet-notes to people.. We'll see if they show up here some day...